篇1: 湖南张家界天子山导游词天子山景区,亦为省级自然保护区。位于武陵源风景名胜区西北部,总面积5400余公顷。原名青岩山。明初,土家族首领向大坤在此揭竿聚义,自号向王天子,部分景点命名与此传说有关。1983年7月15日,桑植县人民政府发文更名为天子山。
篇2: 湖南张家界天子山导游词现在我们乘车前往天子山自然保护区。天子山,海拔1262.5米,因当地土家族领袖向大坤被军拥为“向王天子”而得名。天子山为台地地貌,中间高,四周低,因而视野开阔,透视线长,层次分明,气势雄浑。天子山观景,与黄石寨、金鞭溪的感觉不同。游黄石寨,您是与群峰对坐,与群峰平视;游金鞭溪,您是“人在画图中”仰视高耸于溪两岸的群峰;而在天子山,则可俯视大千世界,您会生出“山上无山我独尊”的无限豪情。
那就是“天下第一桥”。你们看,两座山峰被一条长廊连在一起,形成天然桥洞,平时吞云吐雾,气势壮观雄奇。桥面宽约两米,长20余米,绝对高度357米。桥上苍松挺拔,桥边古藤垂挂,桥下深不可测。走在桥上,只见雾气蒸腾,松涛呼啸,石桥好像也颤颤悠悠,晃晃摇摇似的,令人惊心动魄。这里是张家界风景一绝,是大自然的一个奇迹。 黄石寨有个前花园,这里有个后花园,传说都是向王天子围猎休闲的场所。这座园门,呈浑圆双拱,就像古时候的那种满月型园门了。加之数十座石峰,小巧精致,点缀于丛林之中;百鸟歌唱,溪涧淙淙,跟古时候大户人家的后花园韵味儿差不多。古装戏里,好多都是写千金小姐与落魄书生在后花园幽会,私订终身的故事。不知我们中间有没有落魄书生,不妨报名去后花园碰碰运气?
朋友们,登楼之前,不妨先读读门口这块《天子阁赋》。大家注意,这块匾额是国 画大师关山月先生书写的,5月20日,年过九旬的关山月先生登上天子阁后,神思飞越,笑不绝口,欣然为阁题字。以后,他作了幅张家界长卷图,在香港展开,轰动香港。有人评价说:关山月晚年艺术辉煌是在张家界完成的。
篇3: 湖南张家界天子山导游词天子山有云涛、月辉、霞日、冬雪四大奇观。山间云雾变幻无穷,仪态万千,时如江海翻波,涌涛逐浪,时若轻纱掩体,飘渺虚无。日出时晖映长空,日落处霞光无限,又将天子山装点成瑰丽明艳的帝王宫阙。夜风下,皓月弄影,峭壁如洗,万籁俱寂,浪漫陶人,大有“起舞弄清影,何似在人间”之感。入冬后,则雪压险峰,霜被松柏,冰锥倒悬,经久不化,俨然一派银妆素裹的奇幻景象。享有“谁人识得天子面,归来不看天下山”、“不游天子山,枉到武陵源”、“秀色天下绝,山高人未识”之美誉。天子山,历来有“峰林之王”的美称,因史上有土家族领袖向王(名大坤)自称天子而得名。 天子山云雾为中外旅游者所赞叹。雨过初晴的天子山云雾十分壮观,奔涌的云雾形成瀑、涛、浪、絮多种形态, 连绵浩瀚,波澜壮阔。
天子山美景,春、夏、秋、冬西季不同,晨、昏、午、夜四时各异。霞光中的天子山,似一幅金碧辉煌、色彩 亮丽的油画;月光下,错落有致的迷朦山峰,构成一幅水墨山水。春天山花灿烂,依红偎翠;冬日冰雪皑皑, 银装素裹。乍晴乍雨或晨错交接之时,天子山云烟缭绕,或铺天盖地,或袅袅婷婷,静如薄纱笼罩,动则运天雪涌。
篇4:湖南天子山英文导游词Now we drove to tianzi mountain nature reserve. Son of heaven mountain, 1262.5 meters above sea level, because the local leader of the tujia nationality to big he is army named as “xiang”. Tianzi mountain for terraced landscape, middle high, low, around and vision, the perspective line length, distinct, imposing manner and firm. Tianzi mountain view, different from the feeling of huangshi village, huangshi. Huangshi village, are you with the highest sitting, with the highest level; Huangshi, you are “people” in the drawing look on both sides of the towering Yu Xi peaks; And the son of heaven mountain, overlooking the whole world, you will give birth to “the mountain without me first mountain” of infinite ambition. The son of heaven mountain four wonders: also, sea of clouds, sunrise and winter snow. Elegantly spectacular and unique charming sights, believe that will let you view and flow and pleasant.
Here is the Yuan Gujie (pine nut bar). In front of the terrace is the pine nuts hillock, legends that year xiang built right, the original site is here. Then I choose in the water around the four door, so here is the second old xiang.
(vertigo) “vertigo” take the scenery here is absolute, is distracted fan chi soul seize the spirit of god. Standing on the stone bench, huangshi village and village into a half arc of landscape painting; Huangshi knife and sand ditch loom; At the foot of the valley, clouds, between clusters of one sheet of cloud mist, diffuse into the grand river, sometimes show a number of peak green “river” strange picture. At this time, will naturally think of the ancients sentence: “day curtain scholar is where? Those river makes people sad.” Sad is the soul lost in the mountains, between different water can't find the way home.
(world a bridge) that is “day of the first bridge”. You see, the two peaks is a long corridor together, form a natural little tunnel, puffing away at ordinary times, a splendor of Japan. Bridge deck, about two meters wide, more than 20 meters long and absolute height of 357 meters. Pines forceful on the bridge, the bridge hanging old vine, deep under the bridge. Walking on the bridge, I saw the fog transpiration, the pines roar, stone bridge as if also bouncing, shook to shake, alarmingly. Here is the zhangjiajie landscape sculpture, is a marvel of nature.
Huangshi village has a front garden (garden), there's a back garden, the legend is xiang limping place for leisure. The garden gate, show round double arch, as it was in the full moon type garden gate. Combined with dozens of stone mountain, compact, adorn in the jungle; Birds singing, water gurgling, with a large house garden YunWeiEr almost in ancient times. In a costume play, a lot of homeland are written with and scholar in the back garden tryst, private book the story of a lifetime. I wonder whether there are any comedown scholar among us, might as well sign up to try my luck back garden?
(birds of paradise) everybody to look ahead, the stream is knife gap, one of the “bird paradise” scenic spots, every winter, ice and snow outside, cold attacks, there is grass green, the flowers plants and birds around here, have gathered in succession until after the spring of next year, scattered clouds. During this period, I became a bird communication carnival grand festival. It is said that they are not regularly held regularly “garments festival”, “model”, and a variety of singing, genre “singer grand prix”? Winter tour zhangjiajie, suggest you go to “paradise” birds and birds!
General (rock) see, that is the general rock! Folklore is the embodiment of xiang. You see him in a shining, belly, back of hand, and the spirits, the charm, just like a command hordes of general. Mo should feng poetry writing late famous writer shout: “loneliness of ages deep and remote mountains, characterized by nature artists, in the mountains right along with the cloud, the Stone Age of the general partner to leave.” Vicissitudes of life have no language, style, fresh is general presence of heaven and earth!
篇5:湖南天子山英文导游词Each friend: hello!
Welcome the wulingyuan sightseeing, glad to guide for you, you will visit the place where is one of the center of wulingyuan scenic spot, is known as the “king of the hoodoo” son of heaven mountain nature reserve.
The world natural heritage wulingyuan scenic area including the zhangjiajie national forest park, SuoXiYu nature reserve and the son of heaven mountain nature reserve of the three scenic spots. Tianzi mountain scenic area is located in the northeast of the wulingyuan, south to zhangjiajie forest park, west and Yang Gujie scenic spot and the hometown of marshal he long sangzhi county, adjacent to the southeast and SuoXiYu scenic spot. Here originally is an organic whole repeatedly with huangshi village such as mountain peaks, collectively propylite mountain. Tujia people in the song dynasty, a hero to the big of dissatisfaction with the feudal imperial grip, led hundreds of thousands of bi nazca (tujia uprising, huge, shock in one's hand. The court sent army incursion, after decades of fighting, the final heavily outnumbered by the pap, combined with the rebels informers have led to the army, the uprising ended in failure. Kind of tujia people in order to miss the brave hero, the name of the mountain is called “son of heaven mountain”.
Tianzi mountain from the SuoXiYu swim two way: a “li gallery” walk, by the “pagoda peak” to “wolong mountain”, after watching the “west sea stone forest” reach “son of heaven pavilion” the top of the mountain. Another is a son of heaven mountain cableway.
Tianzi mountain scenery, pleasant climate, lifted up his eyes looked, qianshanmohe panoramic view. The entire scenic area by the house of stone eaves, tea tray tower, such as habitat house field, phoenix mountain, yellow dragon spring five an, covers an area of 67 square kilometers, tianzi peak 1262 meters above sea level, sea scenic spot has a flat swim total 16 km walk. Below please foot roaming, feel the “expansion of bonsai, miniature wonderland”, enjoy the endless charm of the king of the “hoodoo”.
We now come to shen tang wan. Shen tang wan is the most mysterious place wulingyuan scenic area. Generation rate of xiang when defeat has dozens of riding a retreat at this point, the thought of countless soldiers blood fought and his many years of wasted effort, brute, who jumped off the unfathomable cliff, men followed behind him jump down... A vigorous peasant uprising failed of tujia people. Many years later, a storm day, few people passing through, but hear the voice of people coming from a cliff shout neigh, as well as a variety of weapons to touch. This situation also happen in after several years, it is said that this is xiang refuses to accept after defeat, to continue to practice military forces in the valley, in an effort to make a comeback. Listen to the local villagers, shen tang wan consists of rock block level 9, someone wanted to into the adventure, but only down to 40 to 50 zhangs deep level 4, dark, evil wind howling, also with all kinds of the shrill cry, creepy, soul fly up. Portion of the liberation army in 1968 as the ganoderma lucidum and other precious medicinal materials, take the gun, using ropes and tools, only next to six pier dare not bottom go to, because looked down from the 6th pier, or eerie, bottomless, looked down through a telescope, can also see huge python and all kinds of wild animals. “Shen tang wan” since then become into a mysterious world.
From “shen tang wan” back for about 500 meters, is the famous “about”, according to legend xiang was practice, step, water forces, here will be on the stage, to call the shots, that is how to size! Please look at the foot of stone mountain in the past, rough looking is desultorily, scrutinize is orderly, they eaves, spirit, terrible spectacle, neat and serious, is not like the war officers? It is reminiscent of the famous song dynasty poet su shi “topic Westwood temple wall” = “cross the truth. which, near and far different, not the truth, the good luck body is in the mountain.”
Is in front of the he long park, built in stone eaves on the east side of cloud propylite, set up in 1985, 1986 completion ceremony. He long park is the only one in the wulingyuan humanities landscape, covering an area of about 3 hectares. Commanding here, see, look around the square, the scene. Park YuanMing successively by hu yaobang, jiang zemin inscribed, park has hu yaobang, peng zhen, Liao Hansheng inscription. Into the park, the first hit, people see is he long statue, it is 6.5 meters high, including horse weighing more than 9 tons, is the largest in China over the past century's great men of a bronze statue, it is by the famous professor of guangzhou academy of fine arts, the famous sculptor Pan He design, guangdong foshan institute of ductile iron casting by the installation. The statue like a towering of wuling mountain.
Not far behind the statue, is “cloud propylite” observation deck, from here you can see the “west sea stone forest”. Is a veritable mountain of sea, west sea thousands of peaks were surging as show in the fundus, rows, towering spectacular. Can according to different seasons and weather and enjoy the son of heaven mountain “four wonders” - the stone forest, sunrise, cloud organ, and winter snow.
Marshal looked he long, continue to visit the son of heaven mountain stone forest wonders. Please see the not far away, a row of beautiful delicate stone mountain, coarse fine, such as pens, and make such as cutting, jagged. It was one of wulingyuan “greatness” top ten “YuBi peak”, according to legend xiang after defeat, had burned all the manuscripts, when he saw this several YuBi, think that use them to read documents and command hordes, now a slip between the cup and the lip! How does it face to face their home crowds, and indignation to several YuBi fall in the valley. However, pen reiki, be born ChengFeng, formed a “YuBi peak”. If the hongxia, when the sky YuBi yi yi is unripe brightness, still remain some red ink pen. In 1994, the state issued by the ministry of posts and telecommunications “wulingyuan” stamps and first day cover, was published in , “zhangjiajie international forest protection day” and “zhangjiajie through tianmen international flight grand prix” commemorative cover, issue of the “memory of general secretary jiang zemin to mark the fifth anniversary of zhangjiajie inscription” commemorative cover and wulingyuan tickets design, pen peak “in the background.
Friends, then please to ”YuBi peak“ across from the observation deck, to enjoy the beauty of the soul ”“ a bunch of flowers. Please pay attention to the central across the mountains, in the hazy mist has the beautiful image of a beautiful woman in the cloud and mist graceful. Her head hair don't, embrace spring flowers, such as the full moon, his mouth smiling, are lovingly flowers scattered on the earth, so called ”love“ a bunch of flowers. Legend has it that she is the jade emperor's daughter, due to the attachment of human landscape, spirited away tiangong basket to himself, walked away flowers, it is said that this starts from the odd coloured different grass is her to stay. Because the fairy to descent, angered the jade emperor, the jade emperor in a rage will fall down all her life, so she became the flora here, guarded day and night this beautiful pure land!
Tianzi mountain scenery is charming, here folkway is simple, there is not, to tell the story of don't finish, no wonder people evaluate the tianzi mountain for ”who knows right face, back to watch the world mountain“. Let son of heaven mountain scenery for everyone is beautiful memories forever, hope you come again next time tianzi mountain tourism.
篇6:湖南天子山英文导游词Dear visitors, everybody! Beginning from today, let me guide you wonderful three days trip to zhangjiajie.
At the university of zhangjiajie, formerly known as the big, big is big (note: this refers to a literary work, not now of tsinghua university and Peking University.) Agent is the doctrine of the mean agent (note: the doctrine of the mean is also a literary works. All the people here love literature, even the name up so endowed with culture.
Ok, now we are going to rest, I'll go to our first stop - world a floating fierce hole!
To fierce hole river rafting takes two hours, and have to wait a long time, you have the patience?
Good! Then we will go to! ”I don't go!“ Don't go to what a shame! Here, the mountain green water, beautiful scenery, is there not to cut, you meet me at 5:30!!!!
The next day, 5:00 AM, we get in.
Well, today we are going to a famous huangshi village, as the saying goes: ”huangshi village, no limits to the zhangjiajie“. Huangshi village is located in the middle of zhangjiajie forest park, is a table mountain plateau, 1092 meters above sea level, is a majestic high observatory kuang, ZhaiDing area of 16. 5 hectares, southwest slightly higher, the northeast slightly lower. Is around the cliffs, green trees, out of many air observation deck. Rainy weather, village surrounded by mist diffuses, feng huddle together, the sunrise in the morning, the mist amount, peaks or bright or dark, changeable magic, in the stillness of the night, the vast sky, the peak of quietly elegant, deep background ethereal; Winter ice and snow, icicles hanging mountains and under the pile of cloud build by laying bricks or stones jade, along the village of circular, peaks are based, near and far all wonders, panoramic view, so there: ”huangshi village, no limits to the zhangjiajie“!
Well, you go!
Evening dinner time, everybody had a meal after their activity, and 5:30 tomorrow morning set.
At 5:30 in the morning on the third day: today is the last day, we will go to the son of heaven mountain, you get on the bus, go!
Son of heaven mountain scenic spot in zhangjiajie, SuoXi valley landscape dependencies, arm neighbors, covers an area of sixty-five square kilometers, the main peak 1256 meters above sea level. Looked up and looked from here, wuling mountains panoramic view. Mount tianzi mountain is known as ”xiuse world, master knew" the natural scenery of virgin soil, it has a bridge, two tianchi, three ancient temple, four doors, fly like five, six abode of fairies and immortals, seven scenic spot, eighty-four natural observation deck. It sets, deep and remote, wild, danger and as a whole, especially in the stone forest, sea of clouds, chardonnay day, snow for the spectacle.
Good, visitors to have a rest, later we went to the son of heaven mountain, the son of heaven mountain to follow me!
Good, to the son of heaven mountain, we will take the ropeway walk from the left, to walk away from the right.
You see, the pieces of stone forest, differences, or halberd sen set such as knives and swords day, or as hordes pentium. Pervades under the cloud and mist, unpredictable, sometimes chung if rolling waves, sometimes floating if plumes. Sunglow it glittering like a painting, in the moonlight it blurred like a landscape painting; Tianzi mountain in winter is the world of silver... Truly was the only one like the son of heaven mountain! And meditation room bay, YuBi peak, the fairy scattering flowers, about many of the city, covered with mysterious veil, telling the story moving, attracting people to secluded spot exploration.
Everyone in the happy? Zhangjiajie beautiful not beautiful, not strange...
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