



创新英语作文大赛 篇一

In recent years, the creativity of college students is always mentioned because of the fact that it is generally accepted that college students are largely deficient of the creative abilities. It seems that an increasing amount of the students are merely satisfied with comprehending or even copying others' thinkings, ideas or achivements rather than developing something new of their own.

The main reason that gives rise to the issue refered above, in my view, is that colleges have not fully fulfilled their responsibilities to cultivate general, creative and qualified stuents. All of these colleges' attention are on the basis of the tests, which force the students study more for their grades than for their synchronized qualities. As a result, most students have no enough time and energy to practise their creative abilities.

Owing to the serious issues we have to confront with, the whole society should take measures to solve it. For example, colleges may pay more attention on the quality education, the corporations can establish wider evaluation system, and so forth.

英语创新作文大赛 篇二

People always talk about the race of a rabit and a turtle. What we know is that the winner is turtle enventually since we are at our childhood. Because our parents and teachers told us that the rabit loses the game as the rabit believes him to be the winner whatever happens. Terefore, he is going to sleep during the race. After all this teaches us a lesson that we should not be arrogant and complacent, and do things in conmitment.

However, nowadays, things are changed dramatically. This time the rabit loses the race again even he is concentrated on the game from very beginning. He doesnt expect that the turtle takes a pair of skateboots to run the race. This time we learn a new lesson :only innovation and new technology win.

创新英语作文大赛 篇三

Most people emphasize the important of creativity. What is creativity? Creativity is the bringing into being of something that does not exist before, it can be a product, a process or a thought. But China is criticized as one of the countries which lack of creativity. It is because creative thinking are not advocated in our education system. Creativity is the most crucial factor for future success. Most successful leaders or managers own creativity, they can set their country or company apart from competition. They innovate a new way to develop or solve the crisis. Two good examples are Bill Gate of Mircosoft and Steve Jobs of Apple. In order to compete in the future, developing creativity is a must in China.

创新英语作文大赛 篇四

According to a report from the Digital Future Project in the U.S.,the overall Internet access has risen to its highest level in the last four years;about three-quarters of Americans go online. The number of hours online continues to increase---rising to an average of 12.5 hours per week---the highest level in the study so far. What do people do online?Both very experienced users and new users spent by far the largest percentage of their time online dealing with e-mails,followed by general Web browsing,work at home for their jobs,reading news,etc.In terms of who are online,the report reveals that three quarters of the Internet users are aged 55 and under.Are you an Internet user?If yes,how long are you online each week?How do you connect the Internet?What do you gain by using it?If not,why not?What do you miss by not using it?

创新英语作文大赛 篇五

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Innovation by commenting on Rosabeth Moss Kanter's famous remark “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation.”You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. The Importance of Innovation “Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. ” I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter's famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things . Rosabeth Moss Kanter's remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both inpiduals and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without creative spirit? We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being's progress.” A philosopher once said.

创新英语作文大赛 篇六

There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections,our world has moved ahead. This is the word“innovation”that we cannot afford to lose.

We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before,we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty,four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China bee to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays,thousands of software,products,architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a pany? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself,but actually for its intended purpose.

If there was no Apple,everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.

If there was no Microsoft,perhaps we still worked in a dim office and duplicate some troublesome documents. If there was no Newton,and no theory of gravity,maybe I will win the Nobel Prize like Newton rather than just standing here. I have heard that three apple changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs. We sort of think the innovation of the world began with apple. I imagine lots of people want to bee another Newton or Jobs right now with just one hand to change the world,right? Have the innovation to follow your heart. It somehow already reflects what you truly want to bee. Everything else is secondary.

Via questioning,we can start to innovate. Via innovating,we can start to create better lives. No innovation,no improvement. No improvement,no success. And no success,no civilization. Now,our time is limited,so don't waste it living someone else's life! Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice! Don't let yourself down! It is the innovation that we cannot afford to lose!

