



雅思写作优秀高分作文 篇一

St can education bring us? Is “high mark” the real destiny of education? As researchers and scholars are investigating this subject, the accurate definition of education begins to have slight difference from what was in people‘s mind before. Education, the bridge between teachers and students, the mediator between inpidual and society, means more than knowledge transmit, but being a wholly developed person in the society.

First,education brings us basic knowledge and skill to survive. From primary school on, students learn subjects like Maths, Physics, English, or in other words, academic subjects to gain the initial knowledge of the nature and world, which are extremely useful for our future career. Upon this, students also learn skills like sewing, cooking, and mending bicycles, which help them a lot in their future family life. To this extend, education provided us with fundamental concepts of living.

Second,education can cultivate our sentiment. Apart from academic subjects, art subjects such as music and art seems more interesting toward students. From these subjects, one can enjoy the pleasure of listening to music, try to guess a composer‘s emotion when writing a music chapter, or understand the meaning of a piece of drawing, from which process they themselves are edified and assimilated, and finally have their own clear opinion on what is beauty.

Third,education makes an inpidual adapted to the society. Being innocent and naive, young people always find it hard to immerge into the complicated environment, and feel frustrated. Through education like communication skills, students may know the essence of getting on with other people. This kind of education influences our personality and views everyone as a whole inpidual in the big family of society.

Above all,knowledge,emotion,and personality form the most important part of the content of education. The aim of education is to teach a per son become a completely developed inpidual.

雅思写作优秀高分作文 篇二

There is nothing unusual about energy like coals and oils being consumed, principally because economic development depends on natural resources all the time. But what is happening today is extraordinary judged by the standards of the past. It is energy depletion on a massive scale and this problem is so knotty that should deserve our closer heed.

Amongst the perse factors contributing to the energy crises around the world, government’s short-sighted policies and citizens’ extravagant use of automobiles are probably the two most significant ones. By presuming on their natural resources, quite a few countries, especially developing ones, are eager to develop their economy in order to gain an edge over their rivals. Admittedly, their intensive use of the energy facilitates, to some extent, the developments of other industries in short term. Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneck speed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the natural resources.

The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings. Although countries can boast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environment with stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltrating underground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer and, therefore, their quality of life is by no means improved. Also, sustainable development can never come into true in this situation, meaning that our descendants can benefit nothing except sterile land and polluted air and water from their ancestors.

Therefore, our government must take serious steps to attack those problems. The first and foremost is that governments have to reverse their mindset and no longer deem the growth of GDP their first goal. Rather, the betterment of citizens’ quality of life should deserve more attention than the economic growth. Furthermore, the use of private cars should be discouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving public transportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energy consumption.

In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must pay more heed to the efficient use of their energy and the issue of environmental protection, while they develop their economy; otherwise, environmental apocalypse and energy crisis are feared to happen in the horizon

英语雅思作文 篇三

with the development of new techonology and science,computer are widely

used in people think we dont need teachers totally disagree with the above point.t.

there is no denying that the computer bring great benefit to people and are of great help to can be programmed to simple digits of question,as the students answer these digits,their theoritical knowledge can be reinforced..

however,in practice and learning of complex questions,computer can never

replace the humain brain or surpass the human only can tell your the final correct it cant provide students opportunity to think over it,which limited their itself is an art rather than a machnican function can not be

only can do work according to the procedure fomulated can not answer all question in defferent teach students according their students who have better ability to accept knowledge,under teachers'guidance,can be saveave

time to gain other knowledge.

secondly,facing the vivid dilivery from teachers,students can be improved their motivation and effective communication operated by teachers not only can help students understand the knowledge,teachers also can teach students how to be a valuable people,which cant be done by computer..

in addition,various teaching methods can help student absorb the knowledge students meet with the thorny question,teachers not only can explain it in different way,they also can show them the important deductive process..

therefore,i would say teacher is the good compesation for flexiabilly

lacting in the totally disagree with view that we dont need teachers anymore!!

英语雅思作文 篇四

It is argued that testing motorists’ driving skills and hazard perception on a yearly basis is the most effective method to guarantee road safety. Personally, I totally disagree with this, as some drivers will continue to drive irresponsibly and meanwhile various other measures are also useful.

The primary reason supporting my stance is that even if all drivers are tested regularly, a proportion of them will still be unlikely to adhere to traffic rules. It is often the case that drivers understand what they are supposed to do while driving. For example, they know that car indicators should be used to signal their intention to turn at an intersection and driving is prohibited after they have had more than a standard drink. However, accidents frequently occur because some refuse to behave responsibly, thereby making it impossible to maintain road safety.

Another important point I consider is that many other factors, including the great visibility of road signs and markings as well as harsh punishments, play an equally important role in the improvement of road safety. If traffic signages are properly installed and markings are clearly seen, drivers will be conscious of the speed at which they should drive and the place where they are permitted to change lanes. Similarly, with stiff penalties implemented, drivers’ reckless behaviour will be deterred as they will be frightened of being heavily fined and even imprisoned.

In conclusion, I have strong opposition to the viewpoint that in terms of ensuring road safety, no other ways are superior to forcing drivers to submit to an annual test of their ability to drive and awareness of danger. For one thing, not every driver will strictly follow traffic regulations; for another, alternative approaches, such as making roadway signs and markings easily recognisable and enforcing strict laws and regulations, are also decisive to improving road safety.

雅思写作优秀高分作文 篇五

The discussion about whether English becoming a global language has brought us more benefits than risks is a very controversial one. People can hardly reach a consensus on this issue. Before presenting my view, I would like to explore both sides of the argument.

It is very clear that English as a global language has brought us enormous benefits in all aspects of society, which has greatly promoted our economic development. To begin with, as a tool of cross-cultural communication, English promotes mutual understanding and friendship, removing prejudice and h123lity. It is no exaggeration to say that English helps maintain the world peace. Moreover, English offers us a good opportunity to learn from developed countries. For instance, China, a developing country, is in great need of advanced knowledge and technology. English as a global language removes the language barriers for us, so that we can introduce foreign experts to our country more conveniently

However, it can not be denied that English also exerts a negative influence on our human civilization. Since English becomes a dominant language, a large number of indigenous languages are on the verge of extinction, which poses potential risks to the cultural persity. Just imagine, if everyone in the world looks the same, speaks the same, and thinks the same, our world will become a homogenous one. How terrible it is! It is widely accepted that language is the vehicle of culture, so killing language equals killing culture. In doing so, we erase whole histories and bury entire stories, the richness of which the world loses forever.

Obviously, English like anything else, has more than one face. Its advantages should never keep us from their drawbacks. From my perspective, English and other languages can go side by side with each other, each shinning more brilliantly in the other’s company.

