



综合英语二词型转换 篇一


Part One

I. 1. c a的错误是时态错,b语序错 d. 缺少助动词 2. a 这道题考的是分词独立结构的用法。b 的错误是两个句子之间没有连接词。C的错误是语态错,应该用被动语态。d的错误同b。 3.b 这道题考的是时态,时间状语从句的将来时应该用现在时来表达。所以其他三个答案都错。 4.a 这道题考的是虚拟语气的一些特殊表达方式。这句的条件句隐含在整个句子的意思里。b的错误是should have fallen的意思是应该跌倒而没有跌倒,意思不对。c与d的错误是主句的时态错。 5.a 这题考的是used to do的用法 b 与d 的am used to/was used to doing的意思是习惯做…, c的错误是used to do的do应该省略。 6.d 这题考的是倍数的用法。a的错误是冠词的位置不对。 b的错误是倍数three time应该是three times复数。C 的'错误是冠词用错。 7.d regret doing ,其余三个都错。 8.b 这道题考的是分词独立结构的用法。a 与c 是句子,d 的错误是在分词独立结构与主句之间,不能用并列连词and。 9.c 这道题考的是分词的用法,分词作定语 a 是过去分词,具有被动含意。 c. being affected 的意思是正在被受影响 b 不定式作定语时,常与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,而且常用在一些名词后面,如:she usually has a lot of meeting to attend in the evenings.(动宾关系,opportunity, right, way, time, reason, effort, determination, decision, wish, intention等等名词后常跟不定式作定语。 10.b 这道题考的是强调句型 it is not until….that… 11. b 这道题考的是反意问句。 12.c unless---if not b. providing-如果,假如 d. on condition that 在……条件下 13.b a. realization 实现 b. insight 领悟 c. knowledge 知识,认识 d. vision 幻觉 14.d state of mind 精神状态 15.c make up your mind 下定决定 16.a raise wages 增加工资 17.a not so much…as…不是……而是……,与其……不如,甚至不 18.b all the way 从远道,自始自终, a. all the more 更加 c. all the same 一样 d. all the time 一直,始终 19.c be involved 卷入 a. included 包括 b. connected 后面接with d. concerned 关心,关注 20.d. refer to 提及,谈到 a. quoting 引用 b. calling 把……叫着 c. bringing up 提出(共讨论或注意) 21.d. succeed in… 在……成功 a. persist in…坚持…… b. achieve sth. 取得 c. manage sth 设法 22.a. living 生计 b. alive 活着的,在世的 c. lively 充满生气的 d. livable 可以活的,适合生活的 23.b formerly 以前, 从前 a. formally 正式地 c. early 早 d. firstly 首先 24.d one 代替a successful man a. person前要加冠词 a 25. b which half to believe 哪一半应该相信II.

26. c go beyond 超出,越出 27. a as a whole整体,总体上 28. d comes from 来自 29. c which means..非限制性定语从句,关联词用which 30. a some 根据下文填some正确 31. b entire continent a. extensive 广博的,广大的 c. overall 全面的,包括一切的 d. enormous 巨大的 32. a another way to pide… b. means 手段,工具 c. habit习惯 d. technique 技能 33. d the latter 后者 b. late 迟的,晚的 34. b studies how human beings… b. studies 研究 35. a act on each other act on 对……起作用 36. c neither branch 37. d were alike 虚拟语气用 were 38. d that …宾语从句连接词 39. d moreover c. nevertheless 然而,不过 d. moreover 此外,加之,再者 40. b looking at看(问题),看待,考虑III.

41.b 这里的Aha 并不意味着真的叫起来,而是表示一种喜悦(上册第一课) 42.d putting the finishing touches 的意思是做最后的润饰,画基本上已完成了(上册第7课) 43.a makes a man out of a boy soon 的意思是help a boy mature quickly.(上册第10课) 44.d it was in her mind---in her opinion, she thought…(上册第13课) 45. d square sth…with sth.: to make tow ideas, facts, or situation agree or combine well with each other 这句话的英文解释应该是: Today's businessmen will find it hard to settle the conflict between his business interests and his moral principles. He has to choose between the two, and is compelled either to sacrifice his business interests for his moral principles or stick to his moral principles at the cost of his business interests.(上册第15课) 46. c. 这句话的英文解释是:… to understand the innermost feelings of another person---what he is thinking or feeling

综合英语二作文 篇二


Lesson five  first principles

What do u learn about laura? Why were her parents so proud of her?

Laura was a slim, dark-haired girl of fourteen. she was smart and a pupil at Green Valley Academy.

Christmas Day was coming, laura wanted a ballerina dress as a gift from her parents to attend some parties. But when laura’s mother told her about her father’s unemployment, she understood them and said she didn’t care about presents or parties. During the time when the family spent Christmas Day at the farm, laura seemed to radiate happiness. It was laura’s obvious pleasure that had a wonderful Christmas Day. Therefore, laura’s parents were proud of her.

Lesson six  The beauty of  Britain

Britain is a small but beautiful country .One of its charms lies in its variety with the territory of 240500 square kilometers, it has mountains, plains and lakes as other countries. Someone perhaps says that the mountains there are only mountains in miniature . Although those mountains are small, they all have the air of great mountains .Another characteristic of Britain is its happy surprise. A traveler will kept being pleasantly astonished by the landscape. On a rolling plain, you might suddenly noticed mountains with step slopes ahead. In a highly developed industrial district ,he would see out of expectation a rough wilderness. But the most impressing would be the happy compromise between Nature and Man, country and city .This characteristic is obvious in suburbs where the inhabitants can not only enjoy the civilization of the city, but also live a comfortable country gentlemen’s life .

Lesson seven  some meanings of authentic love

In author’s opinion, what does love mean?

1. Love means I know the person I love.

2. Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love.

3. Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.

4. Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.

5. Love means growth for both myself and the person I love.

6. Love can tolerate imperfection.

7. Love is freeing.

8. Love is expansive.

9. Love means having a want for the person I love without having a need for that person in order to be complete.

10. Love means identifying with the person I love.

11. Love is selfish.

12. Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love.

Lesson ten  On friendship

Four different-kinds of friendship:


Few American stay put for a lifetime. Americans use the word ”friend” to a wide range from someone known only a few weeks, most people, old and young r called by first name, and friends flow in and out American family with little ceremony.很少美国人一辈子呆在一个地方的`。美国人使用朋友一词时,朋友可适用广泛只结识几个星期的,朋友们进进出出美国家庭很少有礼节。


In France, as in many European countries, friends generally are of the same sex

大二考研英语作文 篇三

Given is a pie chart, clearly illustrating the striking contrasts in college students’ reading purposes on mobile phones in a certain university. Overall, the aim of learning ranks the first, accounting for 58%. Then, the next is searching for information, with 28%, followed by entertainment, at 12%.

These statistics above can be associated with the importance of mobile phones in students’ learning and daily life, but what result in the differences? On the one hand, smart phones are characterized by the perse and powerful functions, which brings them great convenience and enhance their learning efficiency. A typical example is that they, with cell phones, can take online courses and look for useful information anywhere. On the other hand, compared with others, university students suffer greater mental stress, so they relax by listening to music or watching videos on phones.

As a youngster, I believe that we should use mobile phones in a rational way. Meanwhile, it is not advisable for anyone to be addicted to online games or social networks.




大二考研英语作文 篇四

Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city. The city offers a wide choice of jobs for adults and schools for children. It also provides plenty of facilities for culture, entertainment and recreationrestaurants, department, stores, cinemas, and so on. Besides, transportation is usually well developed in the city, with a variety of modes of travel, including buses, trains and subways.

In the country, on the other hand, one can enjoy the advantages of fresh air and food, and a more relaxed life style. Housing is usually spacious and inexpensive in the country. And, as for recreation, what could be more relaxing than a stroll down a country lane amid beautiful scenery? However there are advantages to living in either the city or the country. City air tends to be polluted, and the streets are always crowded and noisy. In the country, on the other hand, the lack of stimulating activities can make a person feel bored and isolated.

All in all, I would say that living in the city is best, for the convenience the city offers in terms of education and work; after all, one can always spend vacations in the countryand get the best of both.




二胎英语作文 篇五

Today, I'm going to talk aobut a change to China's population policy.

China introduced one-child policy in the late 1970s. This policy has been credited with helping to control China's population growth.

It's also been criticized for forcing parents to make difficult personal choices, or in some cases face huge fines.

According to a statement issued on October 29th, by the Communist Party of China Central Committee, China further relaxed its more than three-decade-old family planning policy. The statement said the country's aging trend would be actively addressed by the universal two-child policy.

Additionally, From my personal view, One reason for the change, economics. In China, many people care for their elderly relatives, so a single child could end up being financially responsible for parents and grandparents. This new policy could help with that.

Another reason, China wants to improve human rights by the universal two-child policy.

[二胎英语作文 4篇]

大二考研英语作文 篇六

Ecological civilization is a form of human civilization. Human technology is constantly advancing and developing, but people have forgotten that humans and ecological civilization coexist, promote each other, and coexist and blend together.

Although people didnt pay much attention to the ecological environment before, there werent as many chemical plants and commercial buildings at that time. With the changes of the times, many factories recklessly discharge toxic gases and sewage. Many developers indiscriminately develop green land, cut down trees, and build a large number of houses. So much so that the environment has been heavily polluted now.

Nowadays, living standards have improved, and every family can afford a car. Many people who work drive cars, and their homes are close to their workplaces, so they dont want to run and have to drive. Those who are far away are unwilling to take the bus and find it too crowded, let alone ride a bike. Even if they are too tired, they have to drive a car. Do you know how much exhaust a car emits in a day.

Although the development of the times and technological progress may cause harm to the ecological environment, what is more important is that humans unknowingly harm the ecological environment in their daily lives.

When my parents were young, my dad often went to the river to fetch water to drink, but now he dares not drink anymore because the water is polluted. Take the pond near my house as an example. At first, the water was very clear, but soon the water began to become turbid because everyone living nearby would dump garbage on the riverbank, and the garbage would fall into the river. But many people dont take it seriously and feel that such a little trash doesnt matter. If everyone does that, the world will become a garbage dump.

Young people nowadays are not as concerned about protecting the environment as older people. Once when I went out, I saw an old lady with gray hair and wrinkles on her face. The old lady bent over and pulled the garbage truck, occasionally stopping to pick up garbage. People passing by will cover their noses and avoid them. Some people may buy things and throw packaging bags around casually. Some people are preparing to put their garbage in the trash can, but they dont even look at it. If the garbage isnt thrown in, they dont care. The old lady pulled the car to the middle to pick up garbage, when a car happened to come from a fork in the road and brake suddenly, almost hitting the old lady. The driver didnt apologize and even cursed loudly, "How do you walk? Are you blind?" He casually threw cigarette butts and some garbage out of the car and drove away. Society belongs to everyone, and the environment also belongs to everyone. We need everyone to protect it together, and relying solely on one person is not enough. Only one person is picking up garbage, while others are making garbage, which is also a mess.

Our mother Earth, how many predecessors have decorated her, yet we are tormenting her, causing her to gradually age!

Protect the environment, start from me, and turn every uncivilized thing around me into nothing!









英语二作文 篇七

Do you habe some problems in your study?If you do,I will give you some advice

First,you should read more will improve your read help you increase your knowledge.

Second,you should listen to teachers carefully in your is very important .It's up to you are good student or not.

Third,you should review your classes when you at so on...

I think these advice is enough to be a good learner.

大二考研英语作文 篇八

Environmental protection is a topic of global concern, and in recent years it has become a hot topic! Nowadays, it is related to our livelihood! It calls on every person on Earth to cherish their living environment and benefit future generations. Environmental protection starts from around us, from the hours around us!

When I was a child, I often saw blue skies and white clouds, filled with stars. When I was a child, the lake water was clear and transparent, with green trees providing shade. When I was a child, my clothes could be cleaned with just a wooden stick. When I was a child, I could eat all kinds of grains and grains with a delicious taste, and my body could still thrive.

When I was a child, I could smell the pungent smell of soil after the rain in the countryside. When I was a child, the weather was so regular, warm in winter and cool in summer. I miss my childhood so much, I miss that pure living environment so much.

But now everything has changed, and we must pay attention to the necessity of environmental protection. It is related to our living environment and whether our descendants can have a better living environment.

Now we have a clearer understanding of the significance of environmental protection, which is to better protect our planet from wanton destruction and uncontrolled use.

Every plant and tree in nature is closely related to us, and their destruction can also affect our human health and the changes in our living environment. Human beings should learn to coexist harmoniously with living beings, rather than arbitrarily logging and bullying them.

The resources of nature are not continuous, and we cannot overdevelop, overgraze, or open up wastelands. We must use them in moderation. In recent decades, the reduction of forest area in tropical countries has been very serious. At the current rate of forest area reduction, in 40 years, some Southeast Asian countries will never see a tree again.

Due to urbanization, agricultural development, deforestation, and environmental pollution, natural areas have become increasingly small, leading to the extinction of species. The extinction of species is highly likely to cause epidemics. Freshwater resources are also under threat, and water resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Due to overfishing, the fishery resources in the ocean are decreasing at a terrifying rate.

If we dont work together to protect the environment, we may lose the Earth we rely on for survival in a few years. Before its too late, lets start with our small things and try our best to do things within our capabilities, so that our children and descendants can also see the same blue sky and white clouds, so that they can also see such green mountains and waters! Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment. We only have this kind of Earth. If we dont have this Earth in a few years, where can we go in the vast interstellar space? As long as we can start from small things, work together to protect our home, and let our planet, which we live on, come back to life. Only then can we survive here and live up to our future generations!










大二考研英语作文 篇九

Earth, this water blue planet world draped in a white veil, is the only home that we humans rely on for survival. But as humans, we have been extensively damaging the ecological environment of the Earth for the sake of resource development.

Water is the milk of Mother Earth, the source of life, and a good friend of humans and animals... Everywhere in the world, there is water, streams, rivers, rivers, seawater, the vast Yangtze River, the rippling Baotu Spring, the colorful East China Sea, and so on. However, many clear and magnificent waters no longer exist. Why? Because of human destruction of nature! Water is one of the victims. According to statistics, all small factories in a factory area can discharge approximately 800-1000 tons of wastewater per day, which is a surprising number. Many sewage pipes are connected to streams and rivers, and sewage is directly discharged into clear rivers through these pipes. The harmful substances in the wastewater and the chemical synthesis elements of humans can greatly harm the fish in the water, causing them to be poisoned or even die! At the same time, humans throw foul smelling garbage into rivers, lakes, and seas everywhere. Many marine creatures treat garbage bags as delicious food, but once they swallow plastic bags, their esophagus will be blocked, making them unable to eat and ultimately having to accept the fate of passing away.

Air is an essential element in human life. Without air, there would be no humans, no animals or plants in the world. But now, the air is being eroded and polluted bit by bit. Who is the main culprit? Yes, its human. Fire, industry, transportation, and oil smoke emissions all pollute the fresh and sweet air, turning it into harmful air. If humans inhale harmful air into their bodies, it can cause various diseases. And it will also affect the animals, so we humans can only suffer on our own.

So, lets call on all humanity to protect the ecological environment! Human beings belong to nature, but nature does not belong to humans. Nature is the true and rightful ruler of this world. We cannot harm nature. Water, we must protect it, love it, and never let a drop of sewage flow into the once poetic, clean and pure river. We must not let animals who rely on water as their home be disturbed. We also need to save water and not let water alone cry silently. Air, we also need to cherish it. Take care of it like you treat your own child, the air will be destroyed, and humanity will eventually come to an end. Lets stop polluting the air, protect it, purify it, and use the technology that makes humans proud now to govern it! Let nature and technology become the kings of the world at the same time, and make Earth the most beautiful planet in the universe!

Protecting the environment, starting from every drop around us.






大二考研英语作文 篇十

While utilizing the natural resources on Earth, humans also discharge a large amount of waste, causing serious damage to the ecological environment and turning the Earth into a "garbage ball". What should we do? People began to reflect.

In order to protect the Earth we rely on for survival and make our homes more beautiful, people must do this: sort and recycle garbage.

Many of the waste in our lives can be utilized as resources in other settings. Garbage classification and recycling can turn waste into treasure. The recycling and utilization of waste paper, plastic, glass, and metal can all become valuable resources, reduce environmental pollution, and alleviate the pressure of garbage treatment. For example, white garbage - foam and plastic bags can become oil after treatment; Waste batteries can extract valuable metals; Waste paper can be used to produce recycled paper; Waste glass can be used to remanufacture glass; Fruit peels, vegetable residues, etc. can be used to make good organic fertilizers

In order to make Guangzhou more beautiful, garbage sorting requires everyone to participate together. But now many citizens are not very familiar with what garbage classification is, why it is necessary, and what benefits garbage classification has. I suggest that the government and various social forces must also strengthen their publicity and education efforts, such as distributing a booklet on garbage classification to each household, which lists the detailed classification of garbage. For example, waste paper, plastic, glass, metal, etc. are recyclable waste; Fruit peels, vegetable residues, etc. are organic waste; Waste batteries, lamps, etc. are hazardous waste. In this way, not only can it enhance the environmental awareness of citizens, but it can also make it clear to everyone how to classify garbage at a glance. In addition, one can also enter the community for publicity and education, implement garbage classification in households, and establish household records related to garbage classification; Organize community garbage classification training; Organize citizens to visit "Garbage and Environment Exhibition", garbage sorting stations and landfills, and experience firsthand the harm that garbage causes to the environment; Organize more environmental volunteers to the community to promote garbage classification, publish a series of advertising posters on garbage classification, and hold garbage classification exhibitions; Through primary and secondary education, let children drive families; Organize media to track and report on units and communities that have done well in garbage classification, and provide publicity and encouragement to families and inpiduals who have done well in garbage classification; At the same time, it is also possible to consider using incentive mechanisms to encourage citizens to carry out garbage sorting. For example, the German government has adopted methods such as giving garbage bags to citizens to stimulate and ensure peoples initiative in garbage classification.

If everyone can have more environmental awareness when throwing garbage, then the whole society can be less troubled by garbage. Lets all take action and participate in the activity of garbage sorting and recycling!



我们生活中的许多废物,可以在其它的'场合被利用而成为资源。垃圾分类回收可以变废为宝,废纸、废塑料、废玻璃、废金属回收利用,都可 例如:白色垃圾——泡沫、塑料袋经过处理后可以变成油;废电池可以提炼出贵重的金属;废纸可以制造再生纸;废玻璃可以用来再制造玻璃;果皮、菜渣等可以用来制造很好的有机肥料……



大二考研英语作文 篇十一

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

There are advantages and disadvantages to a childhood in either the country or a city. Its hard to say which is better. Growing up in the country means a certain amount of isolation. Youre in a small town or on a armband not with a lot of people. Even more important, the people you meet everyday tend to be just like you. Most will be the same race as you, have the same background as you, and will have gone to the same school as you. In the city, the people you meet are different. There are different races and different cultures. You get a more interesting mix.

City people tend to come from a lot of different places and move around a lot. So, there isnt the sense of community in the city that you have in the country. People in the city can live in the same apartment building for twenty years and never get to know their neighbors. In the country, everybody knows everybody. For a child, this means the country is more secure. A child can get lost or hurt in the city and have no one to turn to. In the country, everyone’s a neighbor. People in the country feel connected to each other.

A child growing up in the city has the advantages of a lot of interesting and exciting place to visit. He or she can go to the zoo, museum, art galleries and concerts. There are a lot of restaurants with different kinds of food. It’s easy to see every new movie that comes out. Child in the country dont have a lot of these activities nearby.

All in all, I think a childhood in the city is better because it prepares you more for what real life is like.






如何学习综合英语 篇十二











以上五个步骤完成以后,应该可以说已经“吃透”了这篇文章。可是工作并没有真正完成,因为综合英语二课本容量很大、知识点丰富,课文较长,不少同学发现,在学完五、六课之后,前面几课的。知识点会有大量遗忘,如果从头复习,时间投入太大,会影响以后的学习,不从头复习,遗忘的内容积少成多,会给考前复习带来很大的困难。那么有没有什么高效的复习方法呢?答案就是,充分利用课文配套磁带这一复习的重要手段。综二的课本较厚,不便携带,而一盘磁带可以录制多篇课文,放在随身听中,在走路、坐车的时候都可以听,非常方便; 而且听录音的速度比看书的速度快得多,几分钟就可以把一篇课文复习一遍,效率很高,何乐而不为。

二、考前复习:                                                                                                               1  认真分析近年试题,把握语法、词汇题的出题动向,寻找答题规律,以便在复习的时候有的放矢。看过02-四次综合英语二考试题的同学都会发现,题目越来越倾向于考察考生运用所学知识分析解决问题的能力,比如说,单纯考察固定搭配的题目有所减少,这就要求考生在复习的时候不要把过多精力放在死背课本单词和固定搭配上,而应该多拿出些时间熟悉出题模式,总结出题规律,比如说,虽然考试难度这两年有所提高,但是象倒装结构、虚拟条件句、动词的现代分词做壮语、独立主格结构一直是考察的重点,只是题干的结构比以前更复杂了,不象以前那样能一眼看出考点,不过做这样的题目有个小窍门,那就是考点往往可以从选项中看出来。选项中什么语法结构出现了两次以上,题目很可能就是在考察这个语法点……。经过对考题的分析,那些所谓“难题”的庐山真面目也就会一清二楚,同学们应考的信心也就会增强。另外,我给兼考综合英语二和水平考试一、二的同学提一个建议,因为综二的语法、词汇题的考察内容多数也是水平考试的考察内容,所以只要

